Five Ways A North Shore Commercial Lawyer Can Help Your Business


Group of office workers in a boardroom presentation

Commerce is at the centre of any economy. From that, it could be argued that commercial law is the key part of the legal field. Whether or not that is the case, it is certainly true that a North Shore commercial lawyer is a vital part of any businesses contact list. Below we outline a few of the areas where local businesses will need to call upon the expertise of a commercial lawyers in the Albany area,


  1. Legal Consultations: Businesses are strongly advised to talk to their North Shore commercial lawyer before they undertake any new business transaction. This can cover any topic from the initial set-up of the organisation, restructuring, considering entering a new market, launching additional products or services, or reviewing offers and contracts. A few hours conversation document review, and written advice can save major problems down the track.
  2. Contract Drafting and Negotiations: If commerce is at eh centre of an economy, contracts are at the very epicentre of that activity. Without a contract, written or oral, commercial transaction quickly become messy, confused, and expensive. A key responsibility of commercial lawyers is to draft business contracts on behalf of their clients. On many occasions, the lawyer can negotiate the deal for the business they represent. A contract is intended to make it clear to any party the outcomes, rights and obligations of each of those parties. This covers, process, delivery, quality, payment terms, penalties, and dispute resolution methods. Sometimes it might seem that the lawyers are being picky, but it is better to invest a little extra time before the deal is agreed than to enter into expensive, disruptive, and potentially harmful disputes later on.
  3. Contract Review and Due Diligence: On the other side of a proposed transaction, a commercial lawyer will carry out a review of the proffered contract. It is not surprising that one side will try to make the contract more favourable to them than to their customer. The buyer does not want to be obligated in that unfavourable situation so their lawyer will review the contract to protect their clients. This contract review, also called due diligence, will consider the legal ramifications, as well as the commercial issues outlined in the proposed draft contract.  The lawyer will consider the contractual obligations to avoid costly mistakes and safeguard the interests of their client in the review and negotiations.
  4. Legal Representation in Transactions: There are often more complex commercial activity for businesses. These can be mergers, acquisitions, or corporate restructuring. These deals cover a wide range of issues, besides the fair value of the target company. Issues such as compensating shareholders, what is the fair commercial value, managing loans, indirect shareholders such as spouses or trusts. After, Employment Agreements, commercial leases, holiday entitlements, changing contracts details with suppliers and customers, and much more.  Having a commercial lawyer by your side during any negotiations for an M and A, or similar deal, means decisions can be made faster, your interests are safeguarded because you do not commit to anything that is disadvantageous. It can also simply look good to have an experienced lawyer at your side.
  5. Enforcement of Contracts and Dispute Resolution: It is almost inevitable that at some stage a supplier or customer will have a problem and dispute the terms of the agreement. Contract dispute resolution is one of the busiest areas for any commercial lawyer. Often, contract disputes are simply a misunderstanding rather than a wilful breach. Whatever the reason, swift action by your commercial lawyers can often bring about a fast resolution to the issue. Other times though other measures will be needed. These can be negotiation, mediation, and ultimately litigation. Whatever the stage, a good North Shore commercial lawyer like McVeagh Fleming, will be able to advise, and help to reach a settlement.

North Shore commercial lawyer

Summing Up

Commerce is essential. Reducing the friction, is even more critical. Whether the friction is due to the company structure, commercial contracts, reviewing offers, advocating on behalf of your company, or more, having a top North Shore commercial lawyer at your side can be the difference between success or failure. Contact McVeagh Fleming for any commercial issue of your company.


Auckland Employment Lawyers – Employees Seek Help


Beyond the purview of typical HR mediation, disagreements between employers and employees may worsen to the point where official legal action is necessary in the workplace. Knowing when and how to consult Auckland employment lawyers is crucial, regardless of the reason for seeking legal counsel—discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, or disputes over salaries and contracts. This blog post outlines the telltale signs that it’s time to consult a lawyer in an attempt to assist persons facing major job issues.


Some of the common problems that employees face include:


Discrimination and Harassment

If you are experiencing severe harassment at work that is poisoning your workplace, or if you are facing discrimination because of your race, gender, age, religion, handicap, or any other protected class, these are clear warning signs. Employees have legal options and are protected from these activities by employment law.


Wrongful Dismissal

It is most likely against your employment contract if your employer seeks to fire you without a good reason. Should this have occurred or continue to occur, it is highly recommended that you get legal advice from Auckland employment lawyers such as McVeagh Fleming. Their lawyers will talk you through your rights and what the employer is not allowed to do.


Employment Agreements Disputes

Occasionally, the rights and responsibilities outlined in the Employment Agreement may be interpreted differently by the employer and the employee. Non-compete clauses come up frequently when you land a job with a rival company.


Unpaid Overtime Work

You are likely entitled to extra compensation if your employer requests or even directs you to work over the number of hours you have contracted to complete. In addition, not getting compensated for overtime is unethical. Getting your rightful compensation back might be made easier with the help of the employment lawyers in Auckland.



Employers are not permitted to take adverse action against workers who take part in legally protected activities. This covers going on strike as well as filing a complaint or raising the alarm. Employers dislike whistleblowers because their actions may expose unethical or unlawful corporate practices in public. To obtain the right assistance and support in this scenario, speak with an Auckland employee lawyer.


Legal Know-How in Labour Law

New Zealand’s employment laws are quite complicated and need careful adherence to numerous processes. Seeking legal counsel from knowledgeable employment attorneys is crucial. In order to win any argument against your employer, you will need to assemble solid proof, compile supporting documentation, and advise yourself of your legal rights. After that, they will be qualified to represent you in any talks. Should those fail, your lawyer will assist you with any subsequent actions, including mediation or legal action.


Your Initial Steps with an Employment Lawyer in Auckland

Auckland employment lawyersTo learn more about your rights, you should definitely speak with an employment lawyer if you find yourself in any of the aforementioned circumstances.


Prior to anything else, make sure you document and gather all of your case’s notes, emails, and other supporting materials. You can schedule a consultation with your lawyer once you’ve acquired the necessary data. To help you understand your situation, a legal company such as McVeagh Fleming offers a consultation that comes with no obligation.



Most people can become scared by challenging situations at work, particularly if they involve complex legal issues and an aggressive employer. Speak with one of the knowledgeable Auckland employment lawyers to discuss your options and get your case evaluated. They will also offer an estimate of your chances of success. If you require legal counsel as an employee, get in touch with Auckland’s McVeagh Fleming.

Trade Finance Can Help You Save Money

Working capital is the life-blood of any business but for small businesses that do not have the cash resources of bigger firms; cash is the difference between survival and closure.  It is not too extreme to say that short-term finance is the single most important issue for any business. This can be particularly important if you need trade finance for new stock for example.


A Profitable Business Can Fail Without Working Capital

Many business owners would be amazed at how uncertain their financial situation might be.  Unless you have an internal finance person r you ask your accountant to make cash-flow forecasts, you really do not know your fiscal position.


It usually amazes people the different outcomes if their accountant offers to run some financial scenarios. For example, it is entirely possible for a business to run short or even medium term losses and still stay afloat if they have sufficient cash-flow.


On the other hand, a profitable company can very easily go out of business simply because they do not have enough cash on hand or working capital in the bank.


Trade Finance – Your Opportunity

Trade financeOften in business, smaller firms lose out on opportunities to buy supplier or stock at discount because they do not have sufficient cash available to fund the purchase.


To overcome this, a company can look at trade finance. In this case, you can “sell” an invoice to a finance company like Fifo Capital. They will provide the cash within 48 hours so that you can complete the purchase of your stock or components.


Working Capital Is The One And Only Factor That Keeps A Business Viable.

Even if your company is posting record sales, that does not guarantee your commercial survival.


In fact, record sales can be a strong indicator that your business is potentially at risk. This is typically for one of three reasons.


Your sales people are discounting price and as a result are winning lots of orders.


Alternatively, if you have increased sales figures, your business may be at risk because to fulfil those extra orders, you need to buy more materials, stock or hire more staff.


The third common reason that high sales can cause your financial problems is that your new or expanded customers have significant credit terms, so you are funding business growth with no cash income.


Whichever, scenario, without the cash going into your bank account, your business can very quickly be put under serious financial stress without access to short-term finance of some type.


What Forms Of Short-Term Finance Are Available?

There are many different types of short-term finance but four key ones are discussed below.



In previous times many businesses ran on their bank overdraft facility.  These days, banks are much less likely to allow an overdraft.  In fact, they can and regularly do call in overdrafts at short notice.  If you cannot repay the overdraft there can be severe penalties including forcing the closure of your business.


The risk is all yours.


Business Loan

You can apply for a loan for your business but again, banks or other lending institutions are more rigid in their lending policies. Further, there are again strict controls placed on you when your company goes down the business lending route.


Director’s Capital Input

For many business owners, the easiest short-term finance option is for them to simply inject more of their own capital. This is frequently a struggle as they tend to have already committed a significant amount of capital to the business.  A further call on their personal resources can be stressful for their family.



One short-term trade finance option is factoring. Even though it is a business financing method that is over six hundred years old, in recent times it has undergone some interesting and useful developments.


The most important of these is that rather than selling the entire order book to business factoring companies, you decide how much short-term finance you need.  Then you select a single invoice and sell that at a discount to the factoring service firm to generate the working capital you currently need.


An advantage with this method is that you do not have as much risk because your customer is the entity that is obliged to pay the invoice to the factoring company.


For more information on single invoice discounting as a means of short-term trade finance to generate more working capital, look for a factoring company in New Zealand.

Points To Consider By A Commercial Property Lease Lawyer in Auckland


Unlike residential real estate, occupiers of commercial property are generally not the owners. They have the right to occupy the property by means of a lease.  Residential tenants have a lease arrangement which is in most cases the standard Tenancy Agreement but with commercial premises, while the same agreement may be used, there will normally be extra clauses added to it.


What Are Common Clauses In A Commercial Property Lease?

Office blockA commercial property lease lawyer in Auckland can give you detailed advice on leases and tenancies. However, below are some generic descriptions of some of the more common terms that you might encounter with a lease for commercial premises.


  1. Rent: The amount of rent payable and when it is due are usually the first items to be negotiated in a commercial property lease. The rent may be fixed for the duration of the lease or may be subject to periodic review.
  2. Security Deposit: A security deposit is often required by the landlord as a form of protection against any damage or unpaid rent during the term of the lease.
  3. Term: The length of the lease is usually agreed upon by both parties and can range from a few months to several years.
  4. Right of Renewal shows whether the landlord might grant an option to renew the lease. Typically, this will have two or three renewal periods. For example, 3×5 means the occupier could renew the lease three times for five years each after the initial lease period.
  5. Repairs and Maintenance: The tenant is usually responsible for all repairs and maintenance during the term of the lease, unless otherwise specified in the agreement.
  6. Subletting: The tenant may be allowed to sublet part or all of the premises to another party, but this is usually subject to the landlord’s approval.
  7. Assignment: The tenant may be allowed to assign their rights under the lease to another party, again subject to the landlord’s approval.
  8. Termination: The terms of termination should be clearly stated in the lease agreement and will usually include a notice period and any penalties for early termination.
  9. Insurance: The tenant is usually required to take out an insurance policy to cover any damage or loss caused by their use of the premises.
  10. Alterations: The tenant may be allowed to make alterations to the premises, but this is usually subject to the landlord’s approval and may require additional rent payments.
  11. Utilities: The tenant is usually responsible for all utilities used in the premises, including electricity, gas, water and sewerage.


Commercial property lease lawyer in AucklandClearly the conditions that the tenant will be bound to are quite different from those of a residential tenant. Since a commercial property lease is a binding legal document, it is clear that any potential tenant fully understands what hey are committing themselves to when the sign the document.


For this reason, it is strongly advised that anyone contemplating renting commercial premises has an Auckland commercial property lease lawyer look at the landlord’s tenancy agreement. Even if there is nothing untoward in it, the tenant will have the peace of mind knowing that they are protected by law, and that the landlord cannot make any sudden or unexpected changes to their terms of the tenancy.


For tenants in the area, you can talk to a commercial property leases lawyer in Auckland such as McVeagh Fleming. You can see more about them on their website.


Three Instances Requiring Attention Of A Manukau Family Lawyer

Family law issues in ManukauThere are many kinds of lawyers who offer a variety of services such as corporate, real estate, and maritime law, among others. In the case of families, there are many subsets of law that a Manukau family lawyer can help with.  Unlike any other type of lawyer, family lawyers offer more than just legal expertise to their clients. Since most family law matters are emotive, a good family lawyer needs to be understanding of the deep, personal issues that people are suffering.


Having said there are a lot of different aspects of family law, here are three common ones where a Manukau family lawyer can provide legal assistance.



Nobody ever wishes for divorce when they get in a relationship. However, due to irreconcilable issues, marriages do come to an end. These situations create a lot of animosity between the partners, and everyone starts thinking of their own interests. A family lawyer helps to tone down the flames by explaining to them their legal rights regarding properties and child custody. In New Zealand, relationship property should be split equally but this is often something that one party will find difficult to accept. Their lawyer will help them through the process to come to a fair outcome.


Custody Of Children

Custody cases occur when partners can longer stay together and thus, opt for separation. The circumstances leading to such a decision are rarely amicable. One partner could start issuing threats of getting away with the child against their counterpart’s wishes. Despite what one or either party might say or want, Care of Children is the priority. A family lawyer in this scenario will always have the best interests of the child as their priority. If agreement cannot be reached, the case will go before a judge. Also, if you had already agreed on how to parent the kids and your partner fails to provide financial support, the lawyer will have to take them back to court for them to stick to the agreement. In the event where you are trying to adopt, it is essential to get a lawyer to help you legally for you to finish the adoption successfully.



Although many people disregard making a will, it is a key document to have. People feel they may be tempting fate if they acknowledge that they are going to die. When someone does pass on, it is a difficult time for the surviving family members. You do not want to add to the stresses by not leaving a will.


If someone dies without leaving a will in New Zealand, decisions about the estate are made by law in accordance with a preset set of hierarchy. You can find out more here. If you do not want this to happen and have specific wishes, then you must leave a will.


Family lawyer in ManukauA will is a complex document requiring a lawyer to write it for you. The lawyer will ask for a list of all the assets that you have, and if possible, they will ask to see some physical evidence. You will have to produce all the legal documents to back up your claim. Once they have all the necessary information, you can start drafting the will. Every aspect of the material will have to get scrutinised step by step to ensure it is all by the law. In the event of your demise, they have the mandate to read your wishes to the beneficiaries you had chosen.


Although it might look costly, hiring a Manukau family lawyer can give you peace of mind or resolution whenever you and your family are having differences. They are not easy but get worse if not attended to.


If you need a family lawyer in Manukau, McVeagh Fleming is a good place to start.

How To Select The Best North Shore Interior Painter

North Shore interior painterIt is very important to hire the right interior painting contractor as that will determine the quality level of work you receive. Many people often choose the first option they encounter and hope everything works out. However, it isn’t necessary to do this as long as you are willing to invest the effort and time into finding a painting contractor who you feel confident to work with. If you hire the first contractor who comes along, you may end up spending more money when they do end up doing the work according to the standards you expected. There are situations where people have been had to hire a different North Shore interior painter to re-do the work.

The following are some of the key things you should look for when selecting a painting contractor. These tips will really help you choose the best North Shore interior painter for your property.


One of the key factors to look for when searching for a contractor is their experience since that will have a major impact on the quality level of work that you will receive. Experienced contractors have done the same work repeatedly over the course of many years. That is why they are best positioned to provide high-quality services. At times, it might not seem like experience is all that big of a deal. However, if something goes wrong you may end up regretting your decision. Always hire a painting contractor who has at least a few years of experience. Having an experienced painting contractor means they will be able to deal with whatever problems may arise during the project and be able to minimize any potential damage.

It is a very good idea to work with an experienced painting contractor since they will be very knowledgeable about painting and related tasks. If you are unsure about certain things, you can ask your contractor and he will be able to give you answers. Experienced contractors have worked with various paint brands and will know which ones will work best with your project.


Many people tend to assume that all painting contractors are licensed. However, that is not always true. There are many people providing painting services who have an expired license or no license at all.  There are certain requirements that must be met by painting before they are licensed. That is done to ensure they have the skills that are necessary for working on painting projects.

A Good Eye For Colour

The vast range of different paint colours can be overwhelming. Even deciding on the broad colour group can be a challenge. Do you want greens or blues?  Once you have made the choice then there are dozens of subtle variations in the colour hues within those broad colour categories.

To make it worse, colours change in different locations and with variations in light. Undoubtedly, advice from an experienced North Shore interior painter can help.

If you need advice before hiring a good North Shore interior painter, visit this website,, an well-regarded painter for interior decorating jobs.

A Few Examples Of Major Ponsonby Home Renovations

Home renovations PonsonbyHome renovations have become extremely popular over the past few years as more homeowners are choosing to remain in the same home longer rather than buying another home. However, in order to make room for growing families, renovations have become a necessity instead of a luxury.

With that being said, there are five types of major renovation projects that are popular among homeowners and Ponsonby home renovations builders. These renovations are based on:


  • Increased need for space
  • Updating the home
  • A reflection of the family

Bathroom Renovations

Although bathroom renovations are typically not considered to be on the same scale of other major home renovations, like in kitchen renovations, any renovations made in the bathroom may include plumbing. If so, the bathroom would be unusable for a period of time. This is an important consideration that must be made before any changes take place. Good Ponsonby home renovations builders will advise you on your project ideas before you commit to the final job.

This type of renovation is done to not only provide more luxury in the home, but this renovation could also be done to help the household save on electricity and water by installing energy-efficient fixtures.

Adding Another Bathroom

Ponsonby home renovationsFor homes that only have one or two bathrooms, adding another bathroom is a common major home renovation.

The renovation can be done to provide a teenage child with their own bathroom, or it can be done to offer guests a private bathroom that is not in use by members of the family. Before this renovation can begin, it is imperative to take into account all plumbing considerations, zoning restrictions, and potential general construction issues.

Basement Renovations

Deciding to finish a basement is one of the best ways to increase the amount of livable space in the home. A finished basement can serve many purposes such as:

  • A completed bedroom suite
  • A studio apartment
  • A movie-room
  • A game-room
  • An in-law suite

Any renovations being made to a basement will not only require a measurable amount of time and work, but it must also begin with a feasible design plan as well.

Kitchen Renovations

Kitchen renovations are considered to be the most important of all home renovations. When done correctly, this type of renovation can greatly increase a home’s resale value if and when it goes on the market.

These renovations are also completed for a variety of reasons, and the most common reason of all is to use the space around the kitchen. They are also completed to update the fixtures and/or cabinetry, or simply done in conjunction with other renovations in the home.

House extensions

It is also popular to add a room or two to a home to increase its size. In fact, families will often add one or two rooms once children reach a certain age so all of the children can have their own room.

However, room addition renovations can also be done if you want to add an office, sunroom or game room to the house. In this situation, the rest of the home is left undisturbed. As with other renovation projects, the internal structure of the home must be considered because it will be altered during the process.

These are five of the major home renovations completed by Ponsonby home builders. They oversee the entire process and provide feedback and assistance while the renovations are being completed.

For advice on your home renovation project, contact Fever Pitch Building, an experienced home renovation company in the Ponsonby area.

Getting The Best Value From Your Devonport Villa Renovation

If you are thinking about a Devonport villa renovation, before even beginning the most important task is that you need to be clear about what you want to achieve at the end. If you are uncertain or you have lots of varying ideas, then you will probably spend more money than you were hoping. Perhaps worse, the finished renovation might not be what you want.


If people change their minds part-way through this adds more time and expense to the villa renovation. It can cause stress to customers not knowing their time or financial commitments.


What Is Your Vision At The End Of Your Devonport Villa Renovation?

Devonport villa renovationsThe key question people must ask themselves is what is their vision for the finished Devonport villa renovations? The answer is going to govern the amount of money and how long to allocate to the renovations.


Some people want to have more useable space, others want to renovate the kitchen, while others want to give their vial a modern open-plan layout. Whatever you want to achieve will need different skills, time and funding.


Skilled Villa Renovations Builders

There is no point in having a lovely design, good quality fixtures and fittings if the builder is not up to scratch. Always look for experienced villa renovations builders in Devonport to get the best value from first-class workmanship.


Managing A Villa Renovation Project

After seeing TV renovation programmes, people think they want to do the same, without the hassles. The old saying that DIY is in the Kiwi DNA, does have some basis but increasingly people have busier lives and do not have the time, nor the skills to manage a big villa renovation project.


Hiring different tradespeople is not an easy job especially if you don’t know what you are looking for. But that is the easy bit. You then have to make sure the right trade is on-site at the right time. In a villa renovation it is likely that you will need up to 20 different trades. Trying to manage all of those, buying the right materials and quantities for delivery at the right time can be a major logistical headache.


The best way to ensure a well-managed villa renovation is to have a professional project manager or to hire one renovation company acting as lead contractor. They will probably have their own tried and tested trades anyway.


How To Go About A Villa Renovation?

This depends on your finances and your resilience.


You can have one big villa renovation project including the kitchen, bathroom and living areas. This costs more at one time and will mean your home is out of commission for a while. You will probably have to find temporary accommodation for this.


Devonport villa renovations buildersThe other option is to renovate in stages as finances become available. For example, you may renovate your kitchen one year, and then two years later do the bathroom.  This makes renovation work more affordable, but it means that your home is regularly disrupted for a few years. It also makes it difficult to match the renovations because existing paints will age and not be the same as the second renovation.


Devonport villa renovations builders usually recommend doing a full renovation as a single, integrated project. The finishes and overall appearance can tie-in together which makes the finished villa look much better. It will be more pleasurable for you enjoy while you are living there, but it will also make it easier to sell in the future, being a finished product rather than a hodge-podge of different works.


Common Projects For Devonport Villa Renovations

Given the age of the villas in Devonport, the most common renovation projects are making open-plan rooms, major upgrades to kitchens, and replacing the old, cold bathrooms.


The seemingly simple task of knocking out walls to produce a single, open-plan living space can alter the apparent size of a house. The entire building will look a lot larger all within the current footprint of the villa which saves a lot of extra expense, and getting council approval.


What Are The Best Return On Investment Renovations Projects?

This depends a lot on the existing condition of the villa. If the building is in poor condition and needs total renovation, then that will add a huge value to the run-down building. For a villa in reasonable condition, for the large part, a kitchen renovation will add the most value and produce the best return on investment. The kitchen is usually the room that sells a house. After that upgrading a bathroom can add a lot of value. Surprisingly, landscaping the garden can also add a lot of extra value too. If you are having a major villa renovation, while your home is in turmoil, you could seriously think about landscaping at the same time to give your villa a complete make-over.


As previously mentioned, a full villa renovation in Devonport can add significant growth in the value of your home. Adding the latest kitchen appliances, with a luxury bathroom, and adding sustainability with more efficient heating and insulation give a total increase in the value of the home.


Hire The Best Devonport Villa Renovation Builder

Hiring the best villa renovations builder will incur significant labour costs but it is probably the lowest-cost option for you. You will save a lot of time, energy and stress dealing with just one company rather than 20 different ones. Plus, you know that you will be getting a first-class job at the end. Think of value, not cost.


If you have an old villa in Devonport and want to upgrade it or create some extra space, seriously consider a major villa renovation. You will add significant value to your home, far in excess of the cost, plus you will be living in a much more desirable home, with more efficient energy consumption, greater comfort, and more usable space.


If you have a villa like this, look at Cain Built, an experienced Devonport villa renovation builder.

Matrimonial Property – What All Couples Need To Know About Separating


Separation by a couple in a relationship is something that is highly charged emotionally. People threaten, insist on, and demand all sorts of things regarding splitting the matrimonial property. However, in New Zealand, the division of relationship property is clearly defined by law, and need not be an option for discussion or negotiation. Having said that, since one party often tries to assert their power or domination over the other, it is highly advisable to talk to a North Shore matrimonial property lawyer to advise you, protect your interests, and ensure that you get a fair and equitable outcome.


Silent coupleSeparation and divorce are the last resort for couples and this applies to a married man and woman, same-sex partners and de-facto live-in partners.  In certain places, the same laws will apply to any category of relationship.  The laws have been intended to give both sides a fair and equal outcome in what is generally a very difficult situation.


Of course, there are some people who feel frustrated by the laws as they feel they should have more rights.  This will generally be in relation to financial assets, but the law is equal in all cases and will help both sides move forward without feeling that they were taken advantage of.  Of course, there are also some people who feel that things should be divided in a certain manner, but this is an issue they will have to resolve with themselves.


Preparing For Separation

If you are considering separation, the most important thing that you need to do is talk to a North Shore matrimonial property lawyer who provides family law services.  A lot of people will turn to their friends and family for support.  While this is good for emotional support, it can also cause problems that you will want to avoid.


The primary problem is that other people will have their own ideas about what you can claim in the divorce.  Some of your friends and family might suggest that you take as much as you can or that you have to get one asset like the house.  Many of these comments are made to help you feel better, but they are often wrong and will be bad advice.


In certain areas, like New Zealand, the total value of assets and property from the relationship will be equally split between the two parties.  There is also no system for maintenance payments which in other countries is generally made to the wife.  There is a system for child support payments and the amount is set out by the IRD with all payments being handled by the tax department as a direct deduction from wages.


Who Has Access To Children?

Another area that is laid out in the law is access to children.  One parent will be granted custodial care, but both parents will still be guardians of the children.  The rules are very clear and you will be able to get more information from the New Zealand Justice Department.


The basics are that children will live with their custodial parent.  However, the other parent will have the right to contact or access to their children.  The amount of time and when this happens will be negotiated by the couple and will generally be done in the presence of lawyers.


The Transferring Of Matrimonial Assets

Once the assets from the relationship have been assessed and the total value is agreed on, a transfer will need to be made to the respective partner.  The main asset that most couples have is their home, but some couples will have businesses, rental properties, and savings accounts.


In these situations, the title for each of them will need to be assigned to the other partner formally.  This will generally require you to go through a separate legal process.  There are some assets that can easily be transferred while others will be much harder.  A house can be transferred to the other person, but a new mortgage deed will have to be prepared.


If You Need Help From A North Shore Matrimonial Property Lawyer

North Shore matrimonial property lawyerThere are numerous lawyers on The North Shore and each has their own merits. Since a divorce or separation is such a highly emotional time, it is a good idea to interview more than one North Shore matrimonial property lawyer to find one that you feel comfortable with. You will be bearing your soul and sharing some deep emotions so this is important.


One North Shore matrimonial property lawyer who has worked with a lot of separating or divorcing couples is McVeagh Fleming in Albany. Click the link to their website.

How A Lawyer Can Help With A Breach Of Contract in Auckland


If you’ve entered into a contract with someone, and that person has failed to fulfill the terms of their contract, you’re probably feeling distressed. You should know that a lawyer can help you with a breach of contract. These are some of the things that a lawyer can help with a breach of contract in Auckland.


They Can Help You To Figure Out Whether Or Not You Have A Case


Meeting with a lawyer to help with a breach of contract in Auckland to figure out whether or not you have a legal case. A lawyer will be able to look closely at your contract. They’ll be able to figure out whether or not you are likely to win your case.


You don’t want to take things to court unless you’re likely to win your case. You won’t want to waste any money on legal fees. You should be able to consult with your lawyer without spending money. If the lawyer doesn’t think you have a strong case, you can avoid taking things to court.


They Can Talk You Through Your Options


There is an array of remedies available to people that have suffered a breach of contract. A lawyer will be able to walk you through all of these remedies. They will be able to explain your options and help you to identify the choices that are available to you.


In many cases, the remedies that are available to you will vary based on the circumstances of your case. Your lawyer will be able to work directly with you so that you can figure out what your best option is. You can really benefit from their advice.


They Can Talk To The Other Party


You don’t necessarily have to take your case to court. In some cases, your lawyer will be able to help you resolve things out of court.


Taking a case to court can be time-consuming. It can also be expensive. If there is a way to resolve things outside of court, your lawyer will walk you through the process. Although hiring a lawyer can be expensive, in the long run, it could actually save you money.


They Will Strive To Make Sure That You Are Given Any And All Restitutions You’re Entitled To


If you are entitled to receive restitution, your lawyer will be able to make sure you receive everything that you are owed. They will fight on your behalf, and they will try to make sure that the breach of contract does not have a negative impact on you.


reach Of Contract in AucklandWhether you receive financial compensation or restitution, your lawyer will work to attempt that you are given everything that you are owed. You will be much better off if you choose to work with a lawyer. When you have an expert fighting on your behalf, it will be much easier for you to get the things that you are owed.


As you can see, a lawyer can do a great deal to help you with a breach of contract case. This isn’t a problem that you have to deal with on your own. If you are in this situation, meeting with a lawyer is the best thing that you can do.


If you need help with a breach of contract in Auckland, McVeagh Fleming is a good law firm to contact. Their website is